Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's A Boy!

Yep, I have a new son!

Please help me welcome, Mr. Shelton!
Boy, Born January 2007

Sweetie pie!   Something so soulful about his eyes!

Married couples only, no more than 3 children at home.  No criminal or mental health history permitted. 
Individual grant/donation button will be made available for this child after additional information is received.  Please inquire!

There really is something about those eyes. They captivated me and just wouldn't let me go. After all, how could anyone resist this little face??

Love you little guy!

Dear Adam,

Oh my little man! I fell in love with you as soon as I saw those big brown eyes of yours!

You just turned one year old, in November. Although I'm disappointed that your first birthday most likely wasn't celebrated or even acknowledged, I'm still happy that you're growing and looking healthy. And that I now have a new picture of your sweet face! I just adore that hair!! 
I have NO idea why anyone wouldn't want to love and raise a little stud like you. I am sure you'll be 'snatched up' in no time! ;)

Love you to the moon and back,

Dear Little Hang,

 I just love watching you grow up. From a fragile, teeny, little baby girl, into a full, fearless, chunky little princess! Here are a few photos of your gorgeous little face=)

Keep on shining princess!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Baby Boy Has Found a Family!!!

Yep! You read correctly! One of my baby boys are getting adopted by one incredible family.................

YES! Mr. Micah will be an orphan NO MORE! At just a year old, he is going to benefit SO much from a family. I can not wait to see 'my' little buddy home safe and sound in the arms of his new mommy and daddy :) Micah, you will always be my baby boy at heart, but soon, you will have an actual mom to give you the care and love you deserve. 

Love you to the moon and back little man!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Letter From Corinne

Dear world,
My 'name' is Corinne and I am 2 years old. For the past two years of my life, I have been without a mommy and daddy. I am what you call an orphan. I live in Eastern Europe currently, but I hope that a nice family will come and get me soon. I don't want to be lonely anymore. And neither do any of my friends here. So will YOU be my mommy or daddy?? Look at how cute I am!

I'm still so little, and chubby, and squishy! I long to be held. I heard that when you have a mom and dad, they hug and kiss you everyday! Could you please help make that happen to ME? Please don't ignore me. I have been ignored for my whole 2 years of life. My only friend I have is Jesus. He hasn't, and won't ever, abandon me. He told me. He told you too. And He also tells you to love the orphans and the widows. To not go with the world and their ways, but to stand up and be different. Different is a good thing. I'm different. And the Lord says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. He made me, just like He made you and every other single person on this earth. If you don't feel God is wanting you to be my mom or dad, can you please, please, pretty please give to my adoption grant? Every penny counts!


(if you are feeling the call to special need adoption, please visit Reece's Rainbow.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Our Newest Addition!

Say hello, to the newest addition in our family

 Little Hang! She is located in China, but she is not from New Day Foster Home, she is with an organization called Little Flower Projects. 

Here is a photo of her from June 2012. Isn't she just the sweetest! I love her already! :)

I am so glad and blessed to have a precious, Chinese baby girl in my heart family<3

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Letter From Jeannette

Dear everyone-
I have been waiting for a momma and pappa to come and get me for SIX years now. I have never actually had a so called "momma" or "pappa" but I hear other kids here talk about them, and they are suppose to be great! When you get one, they take care of you, feed you, hold you, love you, hug you, and kiss you. Everyday! I don't know what a hug, kiss, or snuggle feels like. I would like you to look at me right now. Look into my eyes. Those are eyes of loneliness. I am so lonely here. I spend every single second of the day in a crib. I want to run and play! I want to learn, go to school, have friends! I want to play dress up, and have tea parties. I want to be loved.  